Is It Ok To Be Weird

Being insecure in high school I can understand. Everyone is still growing into themselves and trying to map out their coordinates on the spectrum of social relationships. High schoolers are allowed to be nervous wrecks, afraid that their own shadow will make fun of them if they trip and fall.

But after high school, when we transition into adults, shouldn’t this need for approval go away? My high school years are long gone but everywhere I look the social pressure to conform to the standards and expectations of others remains. Adults too are afraid of looking weird.

Should we be weird?

Throughout history, the great creators and innovators were those who were not afraid to stand out from the crowd and risk being different.

The truth is, everyone is different. This should be celebrated, not hidden.

Allowing yourself to be weird is good because it means you have stopped judging yourself. And when you stop judging yourself you will stop judging others. And when you stop judging others they will stop judging you.

But first you can’t be afraid to be different. You can’t be afraid to be weird. 

Another Approach

The greatest people who have ever walked this earth were weird.

Steve Jobs was weird. Stephen Hawking was weird. Arnold Schwarzenegger is weird. Bill Hicks is weird. Richard Branson is weird.
Will Smith is weird. Martin Luther King was weird. Ghandi was weird.

A family’s social class plays a large role in the opportunities and resources available to a child. Today, parenting seems subject to
trends and changing styles. Your weirdness is your gift. Your strangeness is your greatest asset.
Personality exists on a spectrum. Some people are loud, others are quiet. Some people are creative, others are analytical.
Everyone is weird and therefore nobody is weird.

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